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Helping at Home

To find information and activities to try at home during the school closure period, please visit our year group pages on the 'Our School' tab.

Information for the Infants

In these early stages, time spent talking with your children, supporting interests and exploring the world around them is invaluable in improving their vocabulary, knowledge and understanding and aids their social and emotional development.

Homework that may be set at the infants may include:

Children will get the most benefit from their reading book when their reading is supported by an older person in a comfortable setting. Reading with your child every day will help develop their reading skills and in turn their writing skills. We suggest you read with your child for about 10 minutes every day – a number of short sessions are better than fewer longer ones. 
Your child's reading diary will show a record of their reading journey and is a valuable means of sharing information between school and home.
As well as their weekly reading book, children may take home a borrowed book, however encouraging children to read anything anywhere will be of tremendous value.


We encourage children to use the Look, Cover, Write, Check method for learning their weekly spellings. Children will bring spelling lists home regularly. 

Sometimes children will be asked to carry out a challenge, research, bring in items to support a topic or maybe extend a subject with an activity designed by their class teacher.
Details will be sent home with your child, please remember to look in their book bag. This type of homework is optional. Please look at the year Group pages on the 
Our School tab to find details of any latest homework.. 


Click on the star below to find resources including our guides to helping at home with maths and English and useful websites.

Reading Lists Nursery to Year 2


Homework at Fernwood Primary and Nursery School – Junior Building

Recommended reading Lists are at the bottom of this information


Homework is important and will consolidate and extend learning concepts we are teaching at school.

Children will make the most progress in their reading when their reading is supported by an adult in a comfortable setting. Reading with your child every day will help develop their reading skills and in turn their writing skills. 

The guidance for Year 3&4 and Year 5&6 is listed below and can be found in your child’s organiser:


IMPORTANT! Reading at home in Y3 and Y4                                                           

Wonderful readers make wonderful writers!

A note on how best to support your child with their reading at home:

  • Please hear your child for between 5-15 minutes per night depending on their age/ ability
  • More fluent readers can read independently, then read to you to check comprehension and discuss the text – refer to notes on p20-21 as well the coloured phonics and top tips pages in your child’s personal organiser
  • Please log this in your child’s personal organiser each day



IMPORTANT! Reading at home in Y5 and Y6                                                           

Wonderful readers make wonderful writers!

A note on how best to support your child with their reading at home:

  • Please hear your child for between 10-20 minutes per night depending on their age/ ability
  • More fluent readers can read independently, then read to you to check comprehension and discuss the text – refer to notes on p15-18 of your child’s personal organiser
  • Please log this in your child’s personal organiser each day

Your child's personal organiser will record their reading and is a valuable means of sharing information between school and home. This should be completed daily.
As well as their weekly reading book, we encourage children to read a range of other texts (comics, reference books, magazines etc) to extend their learning and joy of reading whilst putting it into a meaningful context.


Spellings will be set weekly. We encourage children to use the Look, Cover, Write, Check method for learning their weekly spellings.


Class homework
This will be set weekly by your child’s class teacher and will cover a range of curriculum areas. Occasionally more long term enrichment projects may take place. Please look at the year group pages on the Our School tab to find latest homeworks.


Maths homework
This will be set weekly by your child’s teacher. In addition, we advise regular revision of times tables and related division facts at home. 


Remember- if your child finds difficulty with their homework – we are here to help and assist.

Maths- Support your child at home.

  • Parent WorkbooksThese workbooks can help parents support their child with maths.

Reading Lists Year 3 to Year 6

Grammar Guide for Parents

Wellbeing support

Useful websites 

Parents guide to support anxiety – Young Minds website is very useful

‘Handy model’

Emotion styles and responses