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Attendance & Absence

Meet Mrs Orme our Attendance Champion 


Please read our Attendance and Absence Policy alongside our Parents' Guide and Children's Guide.

Our aim is for all our children to have at least 96% attendance over the course of a school year. 

If you need support getting your child into school or are struggling, please phone the office and make an appointment to speak with Mrs Orme.


If your child is unwell, then please follow the instructions below to inform us.

Q: What do I do if my child is ill?
A: Please telephone from 8am, text or email the relevant school office, stating your child's name, class number and reason for absence.  Please do this for each day your child is absent. 

Tel: 0115 9155727


Arbor app: Use the app to log an absence - simply go to your child's PROFILE then on the menu, go to ATTENDANCE and record the reason for absence there.