Year 3
Welcome to our Year 3 page!
Our Year 3 cohort is made up of five classes: Ash, Elm, Fir, Oak and Yew.
Welcome to the Spring Term! We are looking forward to learning all about The Egyptians and volcanoes this term. Please see the Spring Curriculum Newsletter to find out what we are learning about in all of our subjects.
Home Learning
Spellings: There will still be a weekly spelling test. Children have been given a new spelling booklet. Each week, children will have a list of spellings to practise and learn. They will also need to choose four words to put into sentences to show they understand them.
Maths: Children are expected to practise their times tables using Times Table Rockstars at least four times a week. Please see your child's organiser for their log-in details.
If you would like to do additional Maths work at home, please see the booklets on the link on the 'helping at home section' of the website. These follow the same progression that we are doing in school.
Reading: Children are expected to read at home at least four times a week and record this in their reading organisers.