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Year 6

Our Year 6 cohort is made up of five classes: Damson, Laurel, Spruce, Walnut and Willow.
Hi there and welcome to the Year 6 page.

Here you will find everything you need to know to help you navigate Year 6 and all things going on.

We have many things to look forward to this term, including Maths Day, Internet Safety Day, and Faith and Culture Day.  Half-term is 17th - 21st February and the parents' evenings take place on 4th and 5th March.

Children need to continue using TT Rockstars to recall timetables, practising spellings for the weekly test and recording reading in their organisers (at least four times a week).  Some extra optional maths homework activities can be found below which link directly with our school's maths curriculum.

Optional Homework Activities 

Free Amazon White Rose Tasks 

Free White Rose Tasks 

Don't forget to check your Class Dojo page for weekly updates and photos of what we have been getting up to.

Please do not hesitate to contact your child's class teacher if you have any concerns or questions.

Thank you for your continued support.

The Year 6 Team