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Welcome to our e-Saftey page. Well done to our Internet Design character pictures winners!

Please note, all external links to websites are not monitored by Fernwood Primary and Nursery School and may change on a frequent basis.

We are not responsible for the content of those sites. They have been posted here as they offer potential guidance and support on how to be as safe as possible on the Internet.

If you have any concerns, or any online issues you would like to bring to our attention, please send an email to the following address: - Site that looks at what security steps you need to take in order to help protect your data. – for info on age ratings of movies, TV shows and video games. – online safety tips aimed at children. There are some good video clips for them to watch and discover e-safety independently. - further advice regarding e-safety: online privacy, preventing online theft and fraud and building a secure social media life. – for more info on e-safety - great site with a free downloadable magazine every month to guide you through the latest trends, issues and safer thinking. - practical tips to help you think about safety for your children under five.