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Frequently Asked Questions

You may have heard the saying that there are more questions than answers...

Hopefully our Frequently Asked Questions guide might be able to answer your queries. If not, please do get in touch by emailing the office.

Q:How do I initially register my child?
A: Please call at the infant office, bringing with you your child's birth certificate and proof of residence e.g. recent utility bill. 

Q: How do I register for the Nursery?
A: Please see our Nursery Admissions page on our Key Information tab.

Q: Is there a catchment area?
A: Yes, please see our Admissions page on our Key Information tab to find details.

Q: What do I do if my child is ill?
A: Please telephone from 8am, text or email the relevant school office, stating your child's name, class number and reason for absence.  Please do this for each day your child is absent. 

Tel: 0115 9155727


Text: 07520 660265

Q: What will happen if my child becomes ill at school?
A: Parents/Carers are notified immediately by phone if we have a concern about a child’s health or by letter if we feel that there is a need to monitor for symptoms following an accident e.g. head bump.

It is very important that you remember to keep your contact details up-to-date with our office.

Q: What do I do if I need to collect my child during school hours for a medical appointment?
A: Please inform your child's teacher and the school office prior to the appointment.
Sign your child in and out on the electronic system when collecting/returning to school.

Q: What if my child has medical needs?
A: Most medical or personal needs can be accommodated in school. Please inform school if you have any needs or concerns so that arrangements can be made.

Q: What do I do if my child is prescribed medication?
A: For long-term or ongoing medication, parents are asked to complete a Health Care Plan and parents together with school decide how best to administer this medication.
Children with asthma or severe allergies keep their medication in their classrooms; these are given under the supervision of an adult according to the child's Health Care Plan. Please ensure that all medication kept in school is within date.

Only in special circumstances do staff administer short term medicines. Please ask at the school office for our procedures for this. Parents can arrange to come into school to administer medication to their own children if necessary.
We suggest that if possible any medication is given before and after school and at bedtime. Antibiotic doses will only be administered at school by staff if they are prescribed by a doctor to be given 4 times a day. 

Q: What do I do if we arrive late?

A: Please enter school through the main reception and sign your child in at the office (this is for both infant and junior buildings).

Q: What is Pupil Premium?

A: School receives a Pupil Premium grant to further support children who are entitled to pupil benefits. Follow this link for details.

Q: Can I take my child out of school during term time?
A: Holidays during term time will not be authorised. This is in line with government guidelines. 
Please talk to Mr Waldram or Mrs Orme if you believe you have exceptional circumstances for a term-time absence.

Q: What if my child gets head lice?
A: There are leaflets describing various treatments for head lice available at the school office, and advice can be sought from your local chemist. Please inform your child's teacher if your child has head lice, as prompt action will help stop the rapid spread of these little mites! There is no need for your child to be kept off school.

Q: What about worms?
A: Threadworms are common and spread very easily. Personal hygiene is crucial in slowing the spread of eggs from person to person; short nails and thorough hand cleaning should be encouraged. With good hygiene, your child should not need to be kept off school but please do inform your child's teacher. Effective medication or advice is available from your local chemist.

Q: How long before children can return to school after an illness?
A: In the case of sickness and diarrhea please wait 48 hours after symptoms have stopped before returning to school.
For details of other infections/illnesses and incubation periods, please ask at the school office, at your health centre or follow the guidance from The Health Protection Agency.

Q: How do I pay for school trips?
A: Payment for all School trips can be paid via the School Gateway - 

Q: Where can I buy items of uniform?
A: Items bearing the school logo can be bought at Morleys School Outfitters on Bramcote Lane, Chilwell, or from Marks and Spencer Online (until October, 2024) Store and Just Schoolwear.
Items without a logo can be bought from any retail outlet.
Please note that though most children wear items bearing the school logo, this is not compulsory.

Q: What are the arrangements for milk?
A: Under 5s receive free milk. Milk for our other infant children is ordered and paid for termly in advance. If your child is over 5 years old and would like milk, you can register online at Cool Milk You will need to know which class your child is in or you cannot place an order. Please see our school milk page under parents/carers. 

Children not having milk will be offered water instead. Water is always available. 

Q: Can I come in and help?
A: Your help will be greatly appreciated. Please see your child's class teacher if you can help regularly, occasionally or with the Friends of Fernwood fundraising team. 
Please note that regular helpers will be required to undergo DBS clearance in line with current safeguarding guidelines for schools. School will fund this.

Q: Can I park in the school car parks?
A: No. We try to encourage children to walk to school as the parking is very limited and Arleston Drive can be very busy and congested. Parents bringing children to school by car are requested to park a little way away and walk the remaining distance.
In special circumstances (e.g. disability), arrangements for dropping off can be made at the school office.

Q: Are there any before or after school clubs?
A: We have limited place breakfast and after school clubs - more details can be found on this website under Key Information.  In addition, a variety of after school activities are often run, details of which are sent home as they become available.

Q: Do the children get free fruit?
A: The infants is part of the National Fruit Scheme  where all children are offered a piece of fruit daily. Juniors are encouraged to bring in their own fruit for snack time.

Q: What do I do if I need to see a teacher?
A: Teachers are normally available for brief enquiries after school. If you need a longer appointment, please contact your child's class teacher or the office staff who will be happy to arrange this for you.

Q: How can I use Class Dojo?                                                                                                                                       

A: Class Dojo is free! Your child's class teacher will have sent out a form with sign-up details on it. If you need another one, just ask them. Class Dojo allows you to get an informal glimpse into class - stories, photos and helpful reminders about homework or visits will be posted on there. If you want further guidance, see the CLASS DOJO help page.

Q: What do I do if I have a complaint?
A: The teaching staff, Deputy Heads of School, Head of School and the Executive Headteacher are always available to discuss any complaints, however slight at the earliest opportunity.
Procedures for dealing with more serious complaints are outlined in our complaints policy (Policies page).
You can make your views about school known through Parent View. 

Q: How do I contact a Governor?
A: If you need to contact the any member of the governing body, please ask at either office for their contact details.

Q: What about homework?
A: Please refer to our Helping at Home and Year Group pages for details of homework across the school.
Our junior children's homework is normally noted in their diaries.

Q: Where is lost property?
A: Named items will normally be returned to their owners; found unnamed items can be collected from lost property buckets located around the schools. Any items not collected by the end of term will be treated as unwanted. Any valuable item will be taken to the office for safe keeping until it is claimed. Please do not let your children bring valuable or sentimental items into school.

Q: What about jewellery?
A: Children are allowed to wear small studs to school which will have to be covered during PE with microporous tape or removed and removed for any swimming sessions. Children are not allowed to wear bracelets, chains and necklaces. Exceptions include any items worn for religious reasons such as a Kara and a small watch or Fitbit. Please be advised that children cannot wear smart watches to school due to safeguarding.