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Friends of Fernwood

Friends of Fernwood is parents and carers joining together to raise funds to improve your child's school life.

From events like the Summer Fayre, Bingo and Cake sales to festive celebrations such as: Christmas trails, Christmas card design, Raffles and of course, our Christmas Performances.

All money raised goes back into the school.

Over the years, Friends of Fernwood have generated funds which have contributed to: Pantomimes, books for classrooms, playground equipment and even the brand new KS1 playground.

There is no better way  to connect with what is happening in school and witness the joy in children when they see what we provide with the money raised.

JOIN US and help organise and volunteer for things to benefit your children.



Upcoming Events

Summer Fayre: 27th June

2024 may seem a long time away, but big events like this need lots of hands & time to organise. Planning has already begun, so come and join our team to make this the best Fayre yet!

Please email your details with your child’s class and year to:

Or message us on our facebook page, link above.

Friends of Fernwood

Huge welcome (and welcome back) to all families. Friends of Fernwood is an informal group of parents, carers and staff who support the school by organising fundraising events, including our annual Summer Fair, cake sales, bingo night and more. All of the money we raise goes straight back into the school – helping us helps your child and your child’s school. We aim to run activities that will foster a sense of community within the school, whilst also raising funds that will broaden the range of activities and resources that all our children access and enjoy.

We hold formal termly meetings at the school, with the school’s senior management team, where parents and carers are invited to input ideas on fundraising and indeed where our raised funds could be spent. At each meeting we also have our ‘Parent Voice’ discussion topics, a forum for sharing best practice and ways for continual improvement.

YourSchool Lottery: Support Fernwood Primary and Nursery School when you play Your School Lottery - Your School Lottery  This is just one of many of our Friends of Fernwood initiatives to raise money to support school funds, to benefit the children. In the recent past, this has included additional reading books (always a need in our very large school), equipment to play with outdoors, larger items for outdoor play, prizes for competitions, and gifts at Christmas. The children absolutely love all of these opportunities – their faces light up as they receive their boxes of books for the classroom.

The lottery is one aspect of our fundraising, which of course, is completely voluntary. We welcome your participation in it as one of the many fundraising and community events we offer across the year. There is a guaranteed small prize winner from our School for each draw  (Averaging between £20-40 and this will go up as more tickets are sold) with the top prize being a national draw for a £25,000 Jackpot. Tickets cost £1 per line and there is a weekly draw.

How to get involved and our contact details:

You can sign up to our mailing list here: